Global Organizations and Resources
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Table of Contents
This page lists organizations and resources of use to scientists/naturalists, especially amateurs. Organizations and resources listed here have a global or non-regional scope of activity. For organizations/resources that have a local or regional focus, please contribute to the Local Organizations page.
To add a new entry, just add another line onto a list (beginning with an asterisk), add a link, the organization/resource name, and a short (<200) character description. To add a new category, create a new heading ("+ …") and start a new list.
DIY science
- Instructables: "Instructables is a place that lets you explore, document, and share your creations."-From Instructables "about" page.
- Public Lab: "Public Lab is a community where you can learn how to investigate environmental concerns."-From Public Lab website. They have designs for sophisticated devices you can build yourself.
- NOAA products: Tide predictors, historical records, currents, meteorological data, etc.
- Tide predictor
- Has a nice set of articles about how to build one's own microscope cheaply.
- Microscopy-UK: A great resource for people who care about microscopy, especially novices.
- Microscopy Resource Center: Olympus' site is quite helpful for improving one's understanding of how different microscopy techniques work.
- MicroscopyU: Nikon's site is quite helpful for improving one's understanding of how different microscopy techniques work.
Developmental Biology
- SDB CoRe: "SDB Collaborative Resources (CoRe) is an online reference database of peer-reviewed images, movies, and diagrams for learning and teaching developmental biology from the Society for Developmental Biology."— SDB CoRe website.
Marine biology
- Compendium of Physiological Solutions: media for use with marine organisms, by the Biological Bulletin
- The Bryozoan Home Page: Resources about bryozoans.
- Manchester Fly Facility: Resources on Drosophila, one of the most accessible model systems for genetics, developmental biology, evolution, etc.
- EchinoBase: Echinoderm genome resources.
- SpBase: Sea urchin genome resources.
- Slime Mould Collective: A user group for people interested in slime molds (for art, science, engineering, or other).
- Siphonophores: Introduction to a fascinating group of animals.
- Open wetware, protocols: A collection of biology protocols.
- Protocols: A platform for sharing, improving, and annotating protocols, created by ZappyLab, Inc.
- Protocol Online: A collection of biology protocols (mostly molecular/cellular).
- Encyclopedia of Life: "Global access to knowledge about life on Earth."-From EOL website.
- iNaturalist: A useful tool for finding out about species and ranges from shared observations.
- WoRMS: "The aim of a World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) is to provide an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of marine organisms, including information on synonymy."— WoRMS website.
Texts, free
Data processing
- The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing by Steven W. Smith, Ph.D.: Digital signal processing techniques are useful for analyzing images, time series, sound, etc. This free textbook provides a readable introduction using minimal math.
- All About Circuits electronics textbook series by Tony R. Kuphaldt (with community contributions?), and a forum.
- Electronics Tutorials.
Many of these texts require comfort with vector calculus.
- Continuum mechanics website by Bob McGinty, PhD, PE: Online introduction to continuum mechanics.
- Mechanics of materials modules: MIT's modules on topic in the mechanics of materials.
- Solid Mechanics Lecture Notes by Dr Piaras Kelly. Solid and continuum mechanics.
- Applied Mechanics of Solids by Allan F. Bower. Online textbook on solid mechanics (may not display properly on some browsers).
Tools for finding other projects
- SciStarter: Lists citizen-science and other science activities that people can participate in.
amateur-science citizen-science naturalist science-outreach
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